Friday, October 15, 2010

Critique of a blog: Vehicle searches yield few weapons at U.S.-Mexico border

Border cities in Mexico side have faced increase in deadly violence involving high powered weapons.  There is a belief that people involved in various gangs are importing weapons to Mexico from USA. In Texas Fred's Blog, Fred Witzell has written a blog on: Vehicle searches yield few weapons at U.S.-Mexico border. The blogger writes why the search is yielding few weapons and what should be done.

Texas Fred’s Blog is a conservative blog. The direct intended audience for this commentary is right leaning audience. Witzell, according to himself is a Conservative, highly opinionated blogger. My research on him did not bring much information about him. The only reference I found for him is his own blog and his linkedin page. According to his linkedin page he is currently Communications Director at The Rowlett Texas Tea Party. He is also owner, write and editor of The TexasFred Blog. After reading his blog and with my limited knowledge about him, I do not find him much credible on this topic.

The blogger boldly writes that “The U.S. military and ALL of our Intelligence agencies are fully and thoroughly infiltrated.” And he blames Liberals for this.

First he does not refer any documents that point Intelligence agencies being thoroughly infiltrated. Second he blindly blames liberals i.e. the ones who have opposite political view than his. He writes, “Police departments are infiltrated. Governments themselves are also infiltrated and in many case, fully complicit in ALL of these actions, on both sides of the border, drugs and guns.” During my limited research I found several articles about infiltration in Mexican side, but I did not find much that involved US intelligence. The blogger did not point to any solid evidence; his only evidence is search yielding few weapons.

In the original article the director of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Steven Stavinoha says, “Federal authorities have been hampered by staffing limitations, spotty intelligence and gun smugglers who alter their operations to elude capture.”  In another article Mexico says, U.S. Must Stop Gun Trade at border. The blogger did not try to address any of these arguments.

Finally the blogger suggest that if US wants to win war against weapons and drugs, US must give up being politically correct and use any means available.

Based on the facts mentioned above I do agree that US should do more to fight against weapons and drugs. But I do not agree that all of our Intelligence agencies are fully and thoroughly infiltrated.


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